Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is a safe med-aesthetic system offering excellent, lasting hair reduction/removal results with minimum discomfort in a relatively small number of treatment sessions. More specifically, this laser technology is based on pulsed light BoWaxingor photoepilation, enable personalized, precise treatments that achieve effective, permanent results. Using these technologies, the hair reduction is achieved when the energy is transformed to heat in the active growth follicles, coagulating the follicle and limiting re-growth. The technologies’ high heat power delivers noticeable results in less time – and these results are targeted so as to protect the surrounding skin.

Treatments are non-invasive, safe and reliable, clean and relatively painless for the permanent reduction of hair. Suitable for any body area and size, from bikini lines and axilla to larger areas such as hands, legs, back, shoulders and abdomen. Our unique smooth- pulse technology is safe and reliable, offering excellent hair removal results, with minimum discomfort.

Frequently asked questions about Laser Hair Removal in Lethbridge

How Long Does Permanent Laser Hair Removal Last? After your initial treatments, laser hair removal should be permanent if you have a yearly touch-up session. You may even go years without seeing any regrowth. If you do, it tends to be finer and lighter in color and density than before.

In most cases, laser hair removal causes minimal pain, especially when you compare it to other treatments like waxing. Many patients state that it feels like being snapped by a rubber band. Of course, the area being lasered and your personal pain tolerance will dictate the pain level associated with laser hair removal.

You'll continue to see hair during the course of laser treatments. ... Once your course of treatment is complete, you may not see regrowth for many years. On the body, laser hair removal may provide permanent or very long-lasting results. Over time, any hair that does grow back should be very sparse and fine.