(Botox and Dysport)

Treating Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Neuromodulators are the most widely used injectable treatment. They work by blocking chemical signals from nerves that tell muscles to contract. Neuromodulators are most commonly used to temporarily relax facial muscles. As a result, you are able to diminish the look of deep and soft expression lines.

Dynamic and Static Wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles are formed by repetitive facial movements like smiling, frowning, and squinting your eyes. The skin in these areas will begin to stretch from a similar constant movement. Collagen and elastin have a large presence in the skin when are young. But as we age these numbers begin to slowly decrease and our skin will not bounce back to its original state as easily as it used to. Neuromodulators are certainly an excellent option for treating dynamic lines.
Static wrinkles are the lines that almost everyone get. For example, laugh lines, marionette lines, and nasolabial folds. These lines are a result of aging and the loss of collagen, meaning static lines are formed regardless of facial movements.

Frequently asked questions about Neuromodulators in Lethbridge

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