Skin Resurfacing Treatments effectively tighten and reduce the signs of aging and damage caused by the environment and improves the skin’s texture, resulting in smoother, younger looking skin where it counts – on the face, neck and hands. This is achieved using a micro epidermal peel produced by an advanced laser. Through a thermo-mechanical reaction, the peel removes the top layer of skin; this old, damaged layer is then replaced by a fresh, smoother, more radiant layer of skin. This flexible and reliable treatment improves skin texture, reduces wrinkles and some scarring.
Resurfacing Treatments are a gentle and efficient procedure that reduces the range of photoaging signs and rejuvenates the skin, producing fresh, younger looking faces, necks and hands. These impressive results are achieved by replacing old, damaged cells with new, healthy ones.
Benefits and Uses
The fractionated micro-ablative laser produces outstanding results for patients with recovery in a few days to aid in reducing wrinkles, folds, crepe skin, acne scarring, reduce pore size and improve skin irregularity. Whether you are looking to refresh your look, appear years younger, or hoping to improve acne scarring, the fractionated micro-ablative laser is today’s laser of choice. It is the most effective skin resurfacing laser available and the latest trend in skin rejuvenation.
These treatments are excellent to help rectifying aging, dehydrated, sun damaged, or acne prone skin. Is the perfect solution for the treatment of sun-damaged skin, age spots, redness, fine lines, small facial veins, varicose, broken capillaries, freckles, brown spots, birthmarks, enlarged pores and more! It may require social and clinical downtime.